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Explore Ipswich history through an ever growing collection of timelines:
Please note, there is a glitch in the way dates are displaying in timelines. This is being investigated by our platform provider. Until this is rectified, if a year long date range is provided (e.g. January 1st 1863 - December 31st 1863), only the year when an event occurred or when a business/school etc. opened is correct, please ignore the day and month for the start date and all of the end date. If an exact start and end date is provided (e.g. September 25th 1863), this is correct. We hope this issue will be resolved soon.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike Australian License
This licence lets you remix, tweak, and build upon our work noncommercially, as long as you credit us and license your new creations under these identical terms. You can download, redistribute, translate, make remixes and produce new stories based on our work. All new work based on ours will carry the same licence; so any derivatives will also be noncommercial in nature.
Timelines. Picture Ipswich, accessed 18/02/2025, https://pictureipswich.recollect.net.au/nodes/view/9281