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About Picture Ipswich

Picture Ipswich

Since 2008, Picture Ipswich has been connecting the Ipswich community with its past.


Picture Ipswich, Ipswich Libraries' digitised archival repository for historical resources, has become an invaluable research tool for family historians, researchers, students and those wanting to engage with or reminisce about the Ipswich of times past.


The Picture Ipswich archive contains:

  • Historical and contemporary images of Ipswich people, places, and events
  • Business and personal documents
  • Local histories, including the Viva Cribb Bursary collection
  • Heritage studies 
  • Heritage trails
  • Oral histories (audio recordings, transcripts, videos)
  • Home movies
  • Short documentaries
  • Chasing Our Past At Home webinar series
  • Digitsed maps
  • Educational resources
  • Significant collections including from Whitehead Studios, I.X.L. Studios, Rosewood Scrub Historical Society, Ipswich Genealogical Society, and The Queensland Times image archive


Curated by Ipswich Libraries’ Digital Archivist, Picture Ipswich is an interactive website developed to record Ipswich history as time passes and the city grows. The composition of Picture Ipswich content is determined solely by the relevant resources that are made available to Ipswich Libraries for inclusion in the collection. Content includes items from: 

  • Community groups
  • Local media
  • Local businesses
  • Ipswich residents and their descendants 


You can help to build and enrich the Picture Ipswich collection by:

  • Donating images or documents for digitisation (items are returned)
  • Adding tags to images to improve searches
  • Locating images on our special Map Search feature
  • Providing comments and suggested edits to improve the historical accuracy of the collection
  • Adding your personal recollections and memories


To contact the Picture Ipswich Digital Archivist, please call (+61) (07) 3810 7272 or send an email to




With the help of the larger community, Picture Ipswich can continue to provide a historical record of the lives and times of Ipswich. Ipswich Libraries welcomes donations to the archive. If you would like to discuss donating images to this collection, please contact the Digital Archivist on (+61) (07) 3810 7272 or email  


Images are scanned and returned to contributors, Ipswich Libraries does not retain the physical photograph.


It is intended that the contents of this archive will be used for general viewing, private study or research, and may not be duplicated, modified or used for any other purpose without expressed written permission of the copyright holder. Australian Commonwealth legislation protects images in this collection under the Copyright Act 1968. More copyright information can be found here



Takedown Process

The Picture Ipswich takedown process enables you to request the removal of digital assets or information where:

  • The proven copyright owner has not granted permission for use
  • Online access fails to comply with the written conditions of the donation
  • The material (including user contributed) is defamatory, offensive, or objectionable 
  • The material compromises the privacy of someone living
  • The material is culturally sensitive


Picture Ipswich acts in good faith when making our collection accessible.  However, despite our best efforts, some assets, on occasion, may need to be reviewed against the Copyright Act 1968, the Information Privacy Act 2009 (QLD), or might contain images or information that is cultural sensitive.  If you find material that might be of concern, you have the right to request its removal. 


When requesting removal of content, please provide the following information:

  • Your name and email
  • Details of the material
  • The URL to the page where the material was found
  • The reason for the request
  • Proof that you are the rights holder, or their authorised representative, if the issue is copyright related


Following receipt of a takedown notice, we will make every effort to resolve the issue, to the satisfaction of all involved, through several possible outcomes:

  • Access to the material is restored or unchanged
  • Access to the material is restored, with appropriate changes made
  • Access to the material is redacted


If an item has been redacted, Picture Ipswich advises that, due to the nature of the internet, it may be beyond our control to ensure the material has been removed from other online platforms.  Redacted materials will be reviewed from time to time and may be reinstated.