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Copyright Information


Please read the following to better understand how you can responsibly use the resources available through the Picture Ipswich collection.


Is this image in copyright?

Was the image taken before 1 January 1955?

  • If yes, then copyright has expired


Was the image taken after 1 January 1955?

  • If yes, then the image is in copyright


If the image was taken after 1 January 1955, how long does it remain in copyright?

  • If no photographer is attributed, the image will be in copyright for 70 years from the date it was created
  • If a photographer is attributed, the image will be in copyright for the life of the photographer + 70 years


Other ways an image might still be in copyright (these can apply to images where the photographer is not named):

  • If the image was taken after 1 January 1955 and was made public less than 50 years after it was taken, it remains in copyright for 70 years after publication
  • If the image was made public after 1 January 2019, it is in copyright for 70 years from the date of publication 



Can I use an image from Picture Ipswich if the copyright has expired?

Yes, you can use out of copyright images from the Picture Ipswich collection.

We ask that you acknowledge Picture Ipswich as the source of the image and that you:


  • Use the assigned title to caption the image
  • Attribute the photographer / studio and provide the acknowledgment as listed in the creator details (if known)
  • Include the image's unique Reference ID number
  • Further examples of referencing can be found here



Drimal Studio, 'Students at Ipswich North State School, Downs Street, North Ipswich, 1917-1919', Picture Ipswich, accessed 8 February 2023.


F.A. Whitehead & Sons, 'Mrs George Johnstone, Ipswich, 1950s', Picture Ipswich, accessed 8 February 2023.


'Queensland National Bank, corner Edmond and Queen Streets, Marburg, Ipswich, c.1912', Rosewood Scrub Historical Society collection, Picture Ipswich, accessed 8 February 2023.



Can I use an image from Picture Ipswich if it is still in copyright?

Yes, you can use an image even if it is still in copyright for:

  • Personal research
  • Inclusion in school assignments



What is Creative Commons Licensing?

To increase public access to the collection, all images that come into the Picture Ipswich collection after 1 January 2019 are licensed under one of two Creative Commons licenses: 

  1. Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike (CC:BY-SA)
  2. Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike (CC:BY-NC-SA)


Under a Creative Commons license, the creator retains copyright.

A Creative Commons license makes it easier for users of the Picture Ipswich website (including Ipswich Libraries and Ipswich City Council) to use digital assets in the collection.

To use a Picture Ipswich image or other digital asset, you:

  • Must attribute the creator of the work (where known)
  • Can share the work under the same Creative Commons license
  • Can remix or adapt the work (e.g. images can be printed from the Picture Ipswich website for personal use; images can be added to school assignments)
  • Can use the work for commercial purposes (CC:BY-SA only)



Can I use a Picture Ipswich image in a book I am writing / publishing or a video I am making?

A number of images from the Picture Ipswich collection have featured in books, in the media, and on websites.  If you would like to use one of our images and if you require a higher resolution please contact the Picture Ipswich Digital Archivist.



Am I allowed to share an image from Picture Ipswich to my social media account?

Picture Ipswich is a regular contributor to social media.  You are free to share any of our posts that feature images from the collection.  You are also able to select and share images from the collection that are no longer in copyright (i.e. were taken before 1 January 1955).  If you do share an image, please credit Picture Ipswich as the source of the image and include the image's unique asset number.

However, if the image is in copyright, you will need to meet the requirements of the Copyright Act 1968 fair dealing exceptions.  If your intended social media use is beyond the conditions of fair dealing, then you will need to seek permission from Picture Ipswich.



Picture Ipswich has more than just images.  Are these items affected by copyright as well?

Yes, copyright does apply to all of the items in the Picture Ipswich collection.

Literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works:

  • If the creator is known, copyright expires 70 years after the author's death
  • If the creator is unknown, and the work has not been made public, copyright expires 70 years after creation
  • If the creator is unknown, and the work was made public before 1 January 2019 or within 50 years of creation, copyright expires 70 years after publication


Sound and film recordings:

  • The copyright of an oral history remains with the interviewee
  • If published within 50 years of creation, copyright expires 70 years after being made public
  • If unpublished, copyright expires 70 years after creation


For more information on the duration of copyright, visit the Australian Copyright Council's website.



What is the Picture Ipswich Asset Number?

Each image in the Picture Ipswich collection is given a unique asset number.

This asset number not only helps us to find the image in our vast collection, it also tells us when the image entered the collection.

Example: qips-2018-12-31-0002

"qips" is the Picture Ipswich unique identifier, it stands for "Queensland, Ipswich"

"2018-12-31" is the date the image entered the collection (yyyy-mm-dd)

"0002" is the scanning order (i.e. the image was the second to be scanned from that collection)


Other unique identifiers used by Picture Ipswich relate to our special collections:

Example: WHD-014-NEG-0775

"WHD" stands for Whitehead Studio

"014" is the box number

"NEG" is the type of original material scanned (NEG for negative, GPL for glass plate, and PRI for an original print)

"0775" is the scanning order



Special Collections

Picture Ipswich is fortunate to have several significant collections that have been provided to us with special conditions attached.

Whitehead Studio

  • Reproduction rights are held by Whitehead Studios.  These images are provided for private research or study (including school assignments) without permission.  For any other reproductions of these images please contact Picture Ipswich.


Lyle Radford

  • Reproduction rights remain with Lyle Radford.  Visit his website for more details:


Ipswich Historical Society Inc.

  • Reproduction rights are held by the Ipswich Historical Society Inc.  The images are provided for private research or study (including school assignments) without permission.  For any other uses, please contact the Ipswich Historical Society.


Robyn Buchanan Collection

  • Reproduction rights are held by the Ipswich Genealogical Society.


Rosewood Scrub Historical Society

  • Reproduction rights are held by the Rosewood Scrub Historical Society Inc.  The image  is provided for private research or study (including school assignments) without permission.  For any other uses, please contact the Rosewood Scrub Historical Society.


The Queensland Times

  • Reproduction rights are held by The Queensland Times.  Visit for more information.